Decimal to HEX

Decimal to HEX Converter is a very unique tool to Convert Decimal to HEX. This Free easy-to-use tool saves your time and helps to convert Decimal to HEX data with ease.

Converting from Decimal to Hexadecimal

Before continuing on to the following stage, which is converting the numbers from decimal to hexadecimal, it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with both the decimal and hexadecimal number systems. The base ten number system (sometimes called a radix) is the basis for the decimal system. Consequently, it is made up of 10 symbols: zero through nine, in the following order: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine. The base or radix of the hexadecimal system is the integer 16. It uses a base-16 for its numbers, hence there are 16 distinct characters. The first six letters of the English alphabet are included, as are the first 10 digits of the decimal system (0 through 9). In a different order, though, these letters can stand in for the digits 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. Decimal to hexadecimal conversion, also known as base 10 to base 16 number conversion, shows us how to convert a decimal integer into its corresponding hexadecimal representation.

Make the shift from decimal to hexadecimal.

Changing a number from decimal to hexadecimal format is a simple operation. One can finish the job by using a conversion table to help. Learning this table and keeping it close at hand will help you swiftly convert between decimal and hexadecimal values. Each decimal number from one to fifteen has a matching hexadecimal value. What about if the decimal number is more than 15? How should it be converted? As a result, we'll have to try another strategy.


To convert a decimal number to its corresponding hexadecimal value if it is more than 15, we divide the number by 16 and use the result. This extensive procedure has been split down into its constituent pieces and is described in full below. Let's have a look at the table before we go on to figuring out the processes. Each decimal number from 0 to 15 has its matching hexadecimal value shown in the table.

What You Need to Know to Make the Switch from Decimal to Hexadecimal

Follow the instructions below to learn how to change the numbers from decimal to hexadecimal.

  • In order to convert the decimal value to an integer, the first step is to divide the number by 16.
  • The second step is to set aside the leftovers.
  •  Divide the quotient by 16 once more, and keep doing so until the quotient equals zero.
  • Fourth, reverse the order of the residual values to get the hexadecimal representation of the integers.


Keep in mind that in the decimal system, 0 through 9 are all treated equally. However, the digits 10 through 15 are represented by letters rather than numerals.

Change from Decimal to Hexadecimal

The decimal to hexadecimal converter can be used with these conversion tables and techniques to simplify the converting procedure. The provided decimal numbers can be converted to their hexadecimal equivalents using this converter.