How to Find Your IP Address - The Complete Guide to Identifying Your IP
How to Find Your IP Address - The Complete Guide to Identifying Your IP
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are a series of numbers that are assigned to device connecting to the internet. These numbers help computers on the same network talk to one another, but they aren’t much help if you want to connect directly with another computer or device. When you’re browsing the web at home, your IP address is hidden from you because your router assigns those addresses and passes them along as needed. However, if you want to forward ports or create a dedicated server for an online game, you need to be able to see your IP address. This Blog will explain how to find your IP address in different situations and how it could be hiding from you.
What’s My IP Address?
Your IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique identifier that computers use to identify and connect to each other on the Internet. Your IP address is what lets a website know where to send your data (such as a request to view a page). When you request a page, your computer sends the IP address of the server you want to receive the page for you. A computer may have multiple IP addresses. An IP address is usually just a number. It is like an Internet mailing address. That is, the IP address lets computers know how to send data to the right computer. Thanks to dynamic IP addressing, when you connect to your router, it assigns you a temporary IP address. This means that if you want to forward ports, you may need to know your IP address.
How to Find Your IP Address on Windows
You can find your computer’s IP address in the following ways:
Using the Command Prompt:
- Open the Windows Command Prompt using the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut.
- Entering “cmd” into the Run box. Type “ipconfig /all” and press enter to see your computer’s IP address, MAC address, and other information.
Using the Ping Command:
Open the Command Prompt and type “ping Hostname” where Hostname is the website you want to see the IP address for. Your computer will ping the host and display your IP address in the Command Prompt.
Using the Network and Sharing Center:
- Click the Start menu button, enter “network” into the search bar, and select “Network and Sharing Center” from the results.
- Click the “Change adapter settings” link in the left-hand menu and select the connection that you want to view IP addresses for.
- Next, select “Properties” and select “Internet Protocol Version 4” from the list on the left to view your computer’s IP address.
How to Find Your IP on Mac
You can find your IP address using an app like Network Utility or Terminal.
Network Utility:
- Open Network Utility by clicking the Spotlight icon in the menu bar, Ctrl+C, and typing “network” without the quotes in the box.
- Click “TCP/IP,” then click “IP Address.” Your computer’s IP address, MAC address, and other information will be displayed.
You can also use Terminal to view your IP.
- Open Terminal by clicking the Spotlight icon in the menu bar, Ctrl+Space, and typing “Terminal” without the quotes in the box.
- Type “netstat -l” and press enter to see your IP address and other information.
Find Your IP on Android
You can find your IP address by clicking the Android menu icon on the top-left corner of your phone and selecting “Network & Internet.” Select “Wi-Fi” to see the IP address of your wireless connection. Select “Mobile Network” to see the IP address assigned to your cellular connection.
Find Your Router’s IP Address
If you want to forward ports to a device on your local network, you need to know your router’s IP address. You can find your router’s IP address in the following ways: -
Using the Internet Browser:
- Open a web browser, like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome.
- Navigate to “” or “” (keep in mind that the .1 is your computer’s IP address, not your router’s).
Using Command Prompt:
- Open the Command Prompt using the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut, entering “cmd” into the Run box.
- Type “ipconfig” and press enter to see your IP address, MAC address, and other information.
Using the Network and Sharing Center:
- Click the Start menu button, enter “network” into the search bar, and select “Network and Sharing Center” from the results.
- Click the “Change adapter settings” link in the left-hand menu and select the connection that you want to view IP addresses for.
- Next, select “Properties” and select “Internet Protocol Version 4” from the list on the left to view your router’s IP address.
How to Find Your External IP on Android and iOS
Some apps, games, and websites may require you to enter your external IP address. If you want to connect with a remote computer and need your external IP address, you can use an IP scanner app to see it for you.
iOS IP Scanner: Download IP Scanner from the App Store (free) and open it.
Select “Scan IP Address” and press “Start” to get your external IP address.
Android IP Scanner:
There are many IP scanner apps on the Google Play Store, each with their own set of features. Some are free while others may cost money.
How to Find Your IP online
For finding your ip address, you can also use any website like worldwebtool,whatismyipaddress and many other websites which provide free of cost services for tracking ip.