JSON Validator

Validate your JSON online

Our online free JSON validator

WorldWebTool Free Online JSON Validator checks the integrity/syntax of the JSON data based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

Our online JSON validator tool is a validator for JSON Objects. Copy and paste, or directly type, in the editor above and click validate button, which will validate your messy JSON code.

JSON: What Is It?

JSON (pronunciation as Jason), which stands for "JavaScript Object Notation," is a data representation that is a human-readable and elegant solution to represent data. It's a widely used data format that has a diversity to use in any application without language dependency. It's a text-like representation. As a consequence of this, almost every system employs its utilization for data communication.

Why Should We Use JSON?

There are many reasons for using JSON. The first reason for using JSON is that it's independent of your programming language. Because JSON data can communicate in various computer languages, it has become a universal data representation that can be used across all platforms.

Some other reasons include:

  • Readability: JSON is easy to read for a human.
  • Compactness: JSON format doesn't follow a markup structure, unlike XML and HTML.
  • Many libraries are available for programming languages that handle JSON within code.

Proper JSON Format

Without JavaScript knowledge, anyone can use read and use JSON.

Following specific rules need to follow are:

  • Data is in pairs like name-value
  • Commas are used to separate the data
  • JSON Objects are covered with the opening and closing brackets
  • An empty object can be represented by empty curly brackets {}
  • JSON objects include opening and closing square brackets that enclose arrays that are contained within the object
  • An empty array can be represented by square brackets []
  • A key-value pair that is enclosed in double quotation marks is the representation of a JSON object member
  • Each member in the JSON object should have a unique key.
  • If the value of a JSON member is a string, then it has to be enclosed in quotation marks
  • The terms "true" and "false" are used to indicate the values of a Boolean (1,0)
  • The '.json' extension is the one that is expected to be used when storing a JSON file
  • "application/json" is the mime type that should be used for JSON files

If you follow these guidelines, you will be able to generate a JSON object. However, if you are unsure about your JSON object, we recommend that you use our online JSON validator, which can validate your object in a matter of milliseconds. You can find the validator here.

Why Use Our JSON Validator?

Programming is a challenging part of our life, requiring a lot of attention, excellent knowledge, and lots of experience in the programming language. As you know, JSON is a simple object. Still, writing and validating code is tricky, challenging, and time-consuming. Even a single missing bracket in a JSON object can cause an error in your code, which can waste your time fixing it.

Utilizing an online tool such as a JSON validator is the most efficient method for locating and fixing mistakes while saving time. It will validate the JSON code you have written and give out the line numbers of the code containing problems. It is an excellent method for fixing errors in your JSON code without having to waste hours looking for a missing pair of double quotes somewhere inside your code.

Explain the process through which the JSON Validator in Worldwebtool works

  • Copy paste, or directly type your code in the text field.
  • Click on validate button on the JSON validation page. It will validate your JSON Object with JS standards, informing you about any human-made error.
  • We also have reset and sample buttons, which are useful when you need to check an example or need to reset your object within the text field.

JSON Errors

Here are a few common errors which you can face during working with JSON objects in your code.

  • You maybe have an extra comma at the end of your collection. Something like { "a": "b", }
  • Make sure you follow JSON's syntax. For example, always use double quotes and always use proper brackets.

Our Other JSON Tools

If you want to display data in the format, you can format it with our JSON formatter free tool. Meanwhile, online JSON Minify, JSON editor, and online JSON editor are also available for you.

We also have JSON conversion tools like JSON to XMLJSON to TEXT ,CSV to JSONTSV to JSONJSON to CSV, and XML to JSON.

Other than JSON tools, we also have some Image converter tools, which are powerful free and online tools you would love to use.

Some of them are:

Web to JPGPNG to JPGImage ConverterImage resizerimage enlargerimage cropper, and Flip image.