HEX to Decimal

HEX to Decimal Converter is a very unique tool to Convert HEX to Decimal. This Free easy-to-use tool saves your time and helps to convert HEX to Decimal data with ease.

An Explanation of the Hexadecimal Numbering System (Hex System)

The hexadecimal system, sometimes abbreviated as "hex," is based on the number 16. (radix). Since it is based on the number 16, it may have 16 distinct forms. The first six letters of the English alphabet with the numerals 0 through 9 from the decimal system. It's not possible to use any other form of symbol to represent the digits 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, thus letters are used instead.

Hex is used to represent binary numbers in the domains of mathematics and information technology because it is easier to read and write. Since each hex digit is equivalent to four binary digits, hexadecimal allows one to write binary in a compact manner.

Nibbles are shorthand for the four binary digits that make up a half byte. That's why you can only store the values 0000 0000 through 1111 1111 in a single byte of data. Hexadecimal values, from 00 to FF, can be used to convey them in a more human-friendly format.

In HTML, a colour can be represented by a six-digit hexadecimal number. For instance, the value FFFFFF represents white, whereas the value 000000 represents black.

The Decimal Numbering System

The decimal number system predominates in everyday life and is widely recognised as the preferred system of numbers. Its skeleton is based on the number 10, of course (radix). Therefore, it employs 10 signs, including the digits 0 through 9 (zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine).

Numerous ancient societies used the decimal system of counting, making it one of the earliest known numbering systems. When it comes to representing really large numbers, the decimal system faced several difficulties that were ultimately addressed by the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. With the use of powers of 10, the Hindu-Arabic numeral system may position each digit in a number in a specific spot and then multiply each digit by its corresponding nth power.

For instance, the decimal representation of the number 2345.67 is:

In the number 100, the digit 5 represents the ones (1 for 100), while the digit 4 represents the tens (10 for 100). (101)

The tens digit (at 102) is 3, whereas the thousands digit (102) is 2. (103)

Meanwhile, in the tenths position (1/10, which is 10-1), the number 6 follows the decimal point, but in the hundredths position (1/100, which is 10-2), the number 7 follows the decimal point.

This means that the value 2345.67 may alternatively be written as: (2 * 103) + (3 * 102) + (4 * 101) + (5 * 100) + (6 * 10-1) + (7 * 10-2)

Converting Hexadecimal

Hexadecimal is a base-16 positional numeral system. It uses a total of sixteen different signs, the most common of which are the digits 0 through 9 for the numbers 0 through 9 and the letters A through F for the digits 10 through 15. When compared to the conventional technique of representing numbers, which makes use of just 10 symbols, this is quite a departure. Hexadecimal numbers are commonly used by computer system designers and programmers because they provide a more human-friendly representation of binary-coded numbers.

Decimal is the standard notation for both integer and non-integer numbers. This method allowed the Hindu-Arabic numeral system to be expanded to the representation of non-integer quantities. Decimal numbers are written with ten places for decimal places, a decimal point, and a minus symbol ("-") for negative values. The decimal system is used by many countries and consists of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The period (.) is used as the decimal separator.


If you have a number written in hexadecimal and want to know what it would look like in decimal, you may do it by following these instructions:

  • Place the powers of 16 in increasing sequence from 1 to 256 to 4096 to 65536 and so on next to the hexadecimal numerals.
  • You may use this tool to turn each letter, from A through F, into its numerical equivalent.
  • Use the power of each digit to perform a multiplication.
  • Determine the sum of the responses. To put it simply, this is the solution.